Sunday, 31 August 2014

Tupperware Steampunk reloaded?

Yeah, here is something a little different.

My first VLOG! Not great, but better than I expected.

For information about 'De Draad'

For more information on RAGTAG

Sunday, 17 August 2014

Works in Progress and other Updates

I haven't even posted today, and yet over 40 people already visited this page. So I guess I should post something.
I'm aware my posts have become rather unregular these last few months, but there mutable reasons for that. One of them is that I work full time. Another is that I'm writing short stories for other people as of late. And I hope too finish these this week.
Off course were still still working on De Draad movie. There have been some setbacks unfortunately, but we keep on going. Fortunately, a number of people have responded to our calls which gives me new hope.

Some of my more loyal readers are possibly also aware I moved to my new home a few months back and It awesome. I am somewhat obsessive about my steampunkish lifestyle so it is my intention to make this abode a steampunk sanctuary and with the help of a few good friends I have made significant progress in a relative short time. And it becoming awesome!

It is far from done. But hey, this is two months work.  

Than I like to wish Arnold Klous a happy Birthday and want to thank him for the wonderful decorations on the scabbard of one of my favourite swords. Arnold, I still love what you've done with it.
In more TS related news. Tupperware Steampunk is getting a new website! A whole new website this time that doesn't look like a would be livejournal. I'm also considering to make new forms of content. But, I'll keep it a surprise for now till the end of this month.

To conclude, life is good and I wish you all well.

Tuesday, 5 August 2014

Castlefest 2014, some thoughts

Hello everyone,

Still talking about Castlefest... Yeah, thought so. I was there only Saturday as a reporter. So over the years I've been there as reenacters, steamer, visitor and now a journalist.
As a reporter I didn't have time to really enjoy the festival. My intention was to take ten interviews, it became eleven - twelve if you count Lilith vanderstorme. The report is almost done, I am waiting for the photograph's Brain van Riel took. So I quick personal reflection before then.

My first thoughts, damn it was crowded. I felt kind of guilty when I walked past the hundreds of visitors that were standing in line for the cashiers. Second thing was probably the heat. Everyone seemed to be real thankful for every breeze of wind that swept by. I know I did.
All the more annoying that there so little places to tap water. Really, where were all the watertaps that were placed all the years before. After a long search I wasted 15 minutes of my time standing in line for water, while thirsty... I don't tell me to buy drinks because that would mean I had to stand in line for the coins and then again in line for drinks... So yeah.

Anyway, I enjoyed my time there. Despite the crowd the atmosphere was really relaxed. No pushing or shoving, just people having a good time. And that is probably I love about Castlefest and miss during the Elf fantasy Fair; atmosphere.
But for the most part and enjoy the presents of friends and fellow Steamers. They are probably the main reason I go to these fairs. To meet friends, meet new people and be inspired by what ever the brought with them. I don't really care about the music, preformances and other acts. I don't have much of a social life as I am to busy writing, working on my projects or practising my martial arts to go on dates or travel abroad. So these festivals are important social events.
It became all the more clear during this Castlefest. I had a schedule and only one day. Yet I met a lot of friends and acquaintances. So many in fact that, when I saw a vendor I knew are other person I had to decide not to say hello so I could keep moving.

Next year however I'll to be there all weekend, somehow.

Last but not least I like to thank everyone for participating on teh Steampunk meet and for letting me interview you.I helped alot.

Official report is now online!