Sunday, 23 November 2014

De Draad: Visiting Macfarthingbowl's stock o'stuff

So yesterday I finally took the time to visit Tim Deutekom, owner of Macfartingbowl’s and A reënactor, collector and shopowner, who also started a rental service. His modest company supplies uniforms, props and other services to wel known theater and movie productions, like Soldaat van Oranje the Musical, In Vlaamse Velden, Blackbook, Kidnapping Freddy Heineken and the list goes on.

So once a year(-ish) Macfarthingbowl takes on a lowbudget production they find interesting and what do you know. De Draad is one of those projects. So I traveled to Ravelte (BE) were Macfarthingbowl’s stock is located to take a look around. In this case pictures speak louder then words so… Here it is. And basicly, it’s all to our disposal during the production.
Not just that. Tim also offered other services, like equipment for special effects, some stage-props and also brought forth some great idea’s.

Also, in the nearby town of Barle-Nassau there turned out to be a recreation of De Draad, that once spanned the entire Dutch-Belgian border. It doesn’t look that impressive, but it is what it is I suppose. A fenced off two meters wide no-mans land.
So, with that, our costume problem has pretty much been solved also much of the prop issues. Still there is plenty to be done.

If this sounds fun, you can follow our progress on facebook .
We are are also looking for people would like to assist with the creation of props and someone who would like to coordinate the costuming. If every goes as planned Macfarthing Bowl should have this covered but he needs to know what we need, in what size, ect.

If so, you can contact us on

Thursday, 13 November 2014

Emporium Verneseque 2014

Sorry for the wait. I wanted to do a video, but due to some technical delays that might take a while before I can edit these. But they re coming. So this is just my personal account, but a lot more will come on this event.
So what did I think of Emporium Vernesque.


Definitely one of the best events this year. Or is it? Plein der Verlichting (Square of Enlightenment) is still coming and it sounds impressive. But I’ll have a separate video on that event.
But Emporium truly is a breath of fresh air this year as it is very different from the usual fair in the Netherlands. It’s a indoor festival at, the arte deco, Luxor Live! rather than a fair or convention. It had expositions, workshops, board games, great vendors, and great fashion- and dance shows. There was also a presentation on Project Peregrine, a photo project by known photographer Ruud de Korte (
2013 interview here) and the Peregrine Crew.

There was also a cinema, were all the seat were always taken. But for a complete overview of the program I will direct you to this article on Also, try this new blog,

I never look at the program before I go anywhere, except for my own workshop. I guess I like to be surprised. Because of Emporium’s small scale we could experience the whole program regardless.
For some reason it was also easier to get in contact with people during to event. And I met a lot of great people. Like Django Steenbrink (Byteflow Studio) who offered me to make video’s for this site. Also I had a great Interview with Montague Jaques Fromage, and Elenore Blackwood. Other video’s are on Theadueling, as presented by Dale Rowles, known from BB Black Dog.

 I also held my first Workshop on 'Steampunk Character Writing'. It was a great success, despite the conditions. Had to use my laptop as a projector and scream over the music to have myself heard. But hé, it was awesome and the audience found the information useful. Hoped to do it as Dankaert Lexicons character but the setting didn't allow me wearing my monogoggle because I was standing so close to the participants.
In the future I want to do a more elaborate workshop where I can go in more detail and offer exercises. For those who are interested, let me know so I can keep you all posted.

All in all, Emporium Vernesque was a wonderful experience were allot of great things happened and were I hope to reap a lot more fruits of. It reminded me why this event inspired me to start Tupperware Steampunk in the first place and I hope it will do in the future.

Also, check out these picture made by Wen Versteeg. They're wonderfull.

Sunday, 2 November 2014

Ciney Militaria

New video is up. This time, Ciney Militaria (Dutch) with a special guest. This is the best place to get old military stuff. Sorry for the poor audio quality. Something went wrong in editing.