Sunday, 23 November 2014

De Draad: Visiting Macfarthingbowl's stock o'stuff

So yesterday I finally took the time to visit Tim Deutekom, owner of Macfartingbowl’s and A reënactor, collector and shopowner, who also started a rental service. His modest company supplies uniforms, props and other services to wel known theater and movie productions, like Soldaat van Oranje the Musical, In Vlaamse Velden, Blackbook, Kidnapping Freddy Heineken and the list goes on.

So once a year(-ish) Macfarthingbowl takes on a lowbudget production they find interesting and what do you know. De Draad is one of those projects. So I traveled to Ravelte (BE) were Macfarthingbowl’s stock is located to take a look around. In this case pictures speak louder then words so… Here it is. And basicly, it’s all to our disposal during the production.
Not just that. Tim also offered other services, like equipment for special effects, some stage-props and also brought forth some great idea’s.

Also, in the nearby town of Barle-Nassau there turned out to be a recreation of De Draad, that once spanned the entire Dutch-Belgian border. It doesn’t look that impressive, but it is what it is I suppose. A fenced off two meters wide no-mans land.
So, with that, our costume problem has pretty much been solved also much of the prop issues. Still there is plenty to be done.

If this sounds fun, you can follow our progress on facebook .
We are are also looking for people would like to assist with the creation of props and someone who would like to coordinate the costuming. If every goes as planned Macfarthing Bowl should have this covered but he needs to know what we need, in what size, ect.

If so, you can contact us on

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