Welcome back to the possible shipwreck that is Steampunk’d. To recap. The pilotshow didn’t blow me out of the water, but at least kept my interest above sealevel. But that’s the least you can expect from a pilot (see what I did there? Seapilot… Yeah? … No? My Dutch readers probably don’t know what that is. Oh Well.)
The second episodes theme, a secret lair for a Femme Fatal character with a ‘secret device’. Last weeks winners face off against each other. So now we have Team Ave, whom build a Huntress Lair, were a Cougar lays in wait, with a kickass magic powered Tesla-rifle, for a male pray.
Team Morgan picked up some shuffles and pickaxes and dug a alchemist cave, with an alchemist, so they could turn lead into gold. That’s it really.
Thinks started of smoother that last week. The
difference in leadership was interesting. Last weeks 'secret captain' Ave
involved everyone in the creative process and laid each plan next to each
other, while wanted-to-be-the-captain Morgan gave her teammates separate
assignments without bringing them together. Also her grudge with JW is on full
display. Go Team!
So how was the final result? I kinda liked the Alchemistlab,
but loved the Cougar- I mean Huntress Lair of Team Ave. Although I would like to
emphasize I loved the lamp Eddie made for the laboratory. That was awesome, but
just like the other objects in the room, it wasn’t cohesive.
While team Ave had a device hidden in a throne, Team Morgan hid their secret device in the most obvious object possible. We could also see the string. Not a good idea when hiding a secret.
The judges were quickly in agreement of this episodes winner. And unlike the previous episode, I was completely on board with them.
While team Ave had a device hidden in a throne, Team Morgan hid their secret device in the most obvious object possible. We could also see the string. Not a good idea when hiding a secret.
The judges were quickly in agreement of this episodes winner. And unlike the previous episode, I was completely on board with them.
The third episode was pretty much more of the same. But I loved the theme. Far East inspired bedrooms, with a device that can change the ambiance from day to nighttime. A great departure of the usual. So whom of last week winners, James and JW, is going to get away with this cultural appropriation and whom get to commit Seppuku.
Team JW gone for a Jade Saferoom for a ambassadors daughter. Jade colored armor plating and armored windowshutters, with a wonderful jade kimono. I love it!
As for team James, a Concubine-Assassins Room that is
… Asian. So, hm… The paintings Charles Mason made were awesome.
As we know from the first episode JW tends to
steamwall his vision, making people do things they didn’t like to. It was obvious it was going to bite him in the behind. James on the other end didn’t
display much, if any, leadership ability, which lead to unresolved conflicts
between some teammates, which involved Morgan… Again.
Despite this, both team delivered botched room by the
look of it. James ended up with a uncohesive mess and the costume…. Well I
don’t what to spoil it.
The Armored Jaderoom looked awesome (and now I want it). The jade kimono was great and has some nice paintings. But the mechanisms for the windowshutters didn’t work properly because JW, despite Eddies protests, went for wooden mechanisms that just didn’t cooperate.
The Armored Jaderoom looked awesome (and now I want it). The jade kimono was great and has some nice paintings. But the mechanisms for the windowshutters didn’t work properly because JW, despite Eddies protests, went for wooden mechanisms that just didn’t cooperate.
In the end both rooms had these obvious flaws, but also possessed
these great executions. So the Judges had a big challenge ahead of them and
really could have gone both ways. Although, I am a sucker for JW’s work.
![]() |
Carter Oosterhouse |
John Desjardin |
Overall I liked these episodes better than the first. One on my major issues was the jury. I felt like the final manor would become the vison of the judges rather than those the makers. One of the examples being Kittyhawk trying to cater to Kato, and failing miserably at it. This problem could be prevented in a number of ways. But this show hinges on celebrities, so an anonymous jury is no option. However, this problem has been tackled partially by inviting special guest judges like Visual Effects Specialist, John D.J. Des Jardin, who worked on a number of great productions like, League of extraordinaire Gentlemen and the Matrix. And Mastercarpenter, Carter Oosterhouse. Not only is it nice to see that non-Steamers take interest in Steampunk, but also bring their own expertise to the table during the final judgement.
The other new element is the Steampunk’d Mystery Button, which can be pushed by whomever at any time. Something good might happen, or something bad. What happened? Did anyone push the button? Will this be a one-trick-pony? Well your going to have to see for yourself. There are some website that are streaming episodes now. Just don’t ask me how legal they are.
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