Sunday, 9 April 2017

Rethinking strategy

Time for an update on my Youtube channel.

First off. My father had his brainoperation and is now recovering. Everything seems to be going oké, but still has some paralysis in his left arm. Still it better than we hoped for considering the bleak picture on the MRI-scans. Thank everyone for you responds on Facebook

As for the channel, I have several video's in the works and am working on some collaborations, but we have some technical issues we need to deal with (thanks Skype for being your horrible self).
Also I want to restructure how I organised my spare time to be more effective in working on my house. editing video's and make time for other projects.  Also looking into a more professional website, however I wrote down my ambitions today and had to concluded I don't have the time to work on it all. So If you are somebody who likes my content, want to help promote it and build websites for a hobby. Please leave a message in the comments or contact me on Facebook.
Speaking of promotion. Another goal of mine is reaching 600 subscribers on Youtube before march next year. You can help by sharing our interviews and other video's or just click the link here and directly subscribe to the channel. 

Now why would you subscribe. First of, you get to meet Steampunks from  all over the world and follow their discussions. Second of we intended to do more collaborations with other Youtubers like Doctor Modius, Doctor Malice and Tales of a Broken Reality, that are more focused on entertainment and also reviews of Let's Play's of video Games and maybe boardgames.

That's that for now. Here is an overview of our latest interviews

Radio Retrofuture #51 - Jeff Mach

Radio Retrofuture #52 - Doctor Modius

Radio Retrofuture #53 Baron von Celsius

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