Monday, 30 June 2014

De Draad; Second auditions another success

So, the second audition is behind us and we can welcome a few other members to the projects. This auditions were, surprising to say the least.
I made a good impression by being late for the audition due to a roadblock, so the whole thing got of on a rocky start. Then the whole the participants put us for a challenge. It is hard to measure ones skill in a single moment. At one moment your like, 'meh', and the other like, 'Wow'. And that is probably the challenge me and Armin faced today. But in the end, it turned out oké.

So, we have taken on a few new actors and soon the roles will be divided. Then we can start working on the final props and costumes.  Of course I have to make a couple of rewrites, but you that fine. It's just that at stressfull moments like this you hope everybody will stay on board and share the same passion for the project as you do and bring this whole adventure to a proper ending. Right now nothing for me to do than infect people with my enthusiasm I suppose.

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